The first step of applying to law school and getting access to many important resources is creating an LSAC account! Here’s a step-by-step process:
Go to and click “Sign In,” then “JD Account.”
Another tab will open asking you to login, and at the bottom of the page, click “Sign Up Now.”
Fill out the information required (such as username, password, email, and full name).
Verify your email address: an email will be sent with a verification code. If an email isn’t sent by LSAC, then click "Resend Code." If everything goes smoothly, you can then create your LSAC account.
You will then be asked to include additional information about yourself, such as address, social security number, gender identity, ethnicity, and citizenship.
Now, you can register for the LSAT and fill out law school applications!
If you run into any problems during the account creation, make sure to email or call (215) 968-1001.
Getting a fee waiver for the LSAT is simple and very helpful: apply through your newly created LSAC account. Applicants need to submit the completed fee waiver application to LSAC at least six weeks prior to the chosen LSAT registration deadline. This application includes all tax documents that support the fee waiver application and the drivers license, passport, or state ID of the test taker. Once submitted, the fee waiver application will be either conditionally approved or denied. If you are denied a fee waiver, you can appeal the decision and be reconsidered by LSAC. To appeal you need to provide supporting documents such as bank statements or tax statements. A short letter from you will also be attached describing why you are appealing and why you need a fee waiver.
There are many free or cost-effective resources you can use to study for the LSAT. Khan Academy and LSAC have collaborated to create an LSAT Prep service that creates a personalized practice plan tailored to your needs based on a diagnostic test. There are also instructional videos and skill practices on different sections of the LSAT that are provided with no monetary cost to the user.
LSAC has some great low-cost resources on their website called LSAC LawHub, which is accessible to those with an LSAC account. There are full official LSAT PrepTests that users can take that also provide instant scoring feedback and practice test history. There is a yearly $99 LSAC Lawhub fee that requires a yearly subscription which allows access to all the previous LSAT PrepTests.
Another website that contains free LSAT question practice and explanations is Velocity Test Prep, which provides free practice tests, LSAT question explanations, and an overview of the different types of LSAT questions that test takers will encounter. This is great for additional practice and explanations, but is more of a supplement to LSAT preparation.